This is not an Embassy

Rimini Protokoll/Stefan Kaegi

  • Director Stefan Kaegi
  • Production Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne, National Theater & Concert Hall
  • Date 10.22.Tue. 8:00pm 10.23.Wed. 8:00pm
  • Language English, Mandarin
  • Accessibility Korean subtitle
  • Rating 13 and over
  • Venue Arko Arts Theater-Main Hall
  • Duration 110min.
  • Premiere 2024 Berliner Festspiele, German
  • Tickets R 60,000won S 40,000won


A virtual territory on stage, through which national identity is questioned

A virtual territory on stage established by Rimini protokoll, and creative questions about national identity raised through it


The production is conceived by Stefan Kaegi and Rimini Protokoll, a German theater label known for using technology, creativity, and experts from outside of the theater world to examine social issues. It is made in conjunction with Republic of China(Taiwan)’s artists as part of a seven-week residency at National Theater & Concert Hall, Taipei.
In This is not an Embassy, theater and diplomacy are brought together to portray modern Republic of China(Taiwan)'s representation abroad. The documentary play explores the island nation's current predicament vis a vis global politics, where its status as a country is constantly questioned, and most of its representations are not allowed to be officially referred to as "embassies.“


A digital activist, a retired diplomat, and the heiress of a company that opened up the international market for bubble tea talk about their lives and simulate the opening of a "non-embassy". They perform music in a transformable film set model. With small cameras, they role play with miniatures that represent themselves in the mini-earthquakes of representation abroad. With this project, Kaegi highlights the big question like: “What if the theater could create a ‘temporary, nomadic’ representation of a territory, which will exist as a country on stage, even if only for the duration of the show?” Beginning by imagining whether it will be possible to establish a country on stage, he explores the political situation of a country whose status as a nation is not guaranteed.

Stefan Kaegi

Stefan Kaegi

Stefan Kaegi, based in Switzerland and Berlin, produces documentary theatre plays and works in public space in a variety of collaborative partnerships. Kaegi has toured across Europe and Asia with two Bulgarian lorry drivers and a truck which was converted into a mobile audience room (Cargo Sofia). He has adapted Remote X, an audiotour for 50 headphones to dozens of cities from Taipei to Santiago de Chile, and toured the interactive installation Nachlass that portrays people who have not much time left to live. Recent works also include Uncanny Valley - a monologue for a humanoid robot – and Temple du présent – a Solo for a live octopus on stage.


<Creative Team>
Concept·Director Stefan Kaegi
Performers Debby Szu-ya Wang, David Chien-kuo Wu, Kuo Chia-yo
Dramaturgy·Assistant Director Wen Szu-ni
Set Designer Dominik Huber
Videographer Björn Mikko Gaestel
Music Polina Lapkovskaja (Pollyester), Debby Szu-ya Wang, Heiko Tubbesing
Research Taiwan Lo Yin-ru
Video Shooting Philip Lin
Light Pierre-Nicolas Moulin
Co-dramaturgy Caroline Barneaud
Assistant Director Kim Crofts
Assistant Set Designer Matthieu Stephan
First Nation Representative Canglah-lahok
Choreographer in Video Hana Azula
Outside eyes Aljoscha Begrich, Viviane Pavillon

<NTCH Production & Touring Team>
Producer Mu Chin
Production Manager·Stage Manager Wang Li-hsuan
Technical Stage Manager Yvonne Chen
Lighting Programmer Lai Ke-chu
Head of Stage Lu Chung
Sound Engineer Yueh Ho-chung
Props Hong Chih-yu
Administrative Coordinator Tsai Wen-wen
First Phase Executive Producer Dub Lau
Production Assistant Hsieh Pei-shan

<VIDY Production Team>
Producer Tristan Pannatier
Production Assistant Morgane Kursner
General Technical Manager Quentin Brichet
Stage Manager Bruno Moussier
Sound Managers Charlotte Constant, Ludovic Guglielmazzi
Video Managers Sebastian Hefti, Nicolas Gerlier
Lighting Managers Pierre Nicolas Moulin, Jean-Baptiste Boutte
Props Séverine Blanc, Clélia Ducraux, Mathieu Dorsaz
ProductionTheâtre Vidy-Lausanne, National Performing Arts Center - National Theater & Concert Hall
Co-productionRimini Apparat, Berliner Festspiele, Volkstheater Wien, Centro Dramático Nacional Madrid, Zürcher Theater Spektakel, Festival d’Automne à Paris, National Theatre Drama /Prague Crossroads Festival
SupportCentre culturel de Taïwan à Paris, Prix Tremplin Leenaards / La Manufacture, Le Cercle des mécènes du Théâtre de Vidy

Rimini Protokoll

Helgard Haug, Stefan Kaegi and Daniel Wetzel founded the theatre-label Rimini Protokoll in 2000 and have since worked in different constellations under this name. Work by work they have expanded the means of the theatre to create new perspectives on reality. Rimini Protokoll often develop their stage-works, interventions, performative installations and audio plays together with experts who have gained their knowledge and skills beyond the theatre. Furthermore, they like to transpose rooms or social structures into theatrical formats. Many of their works feature interactivity and a playful use of technology.

  • This immersive experience in "This is Not an Embassy" goes beyond a mere theatrical performance; it transforms into an act of political and social communication, inviting the audience to reconsider our relationship with others and the world.
    - Peter Laudenbach, Süddeutsche Zeitung, 25.01.2024
  • "This is Not an Embassy": The Rimini Protokoll group masterfully demonstrated the possibilities—and limits—of postdramatic political theater during their guest performance at the Vienna Volkstheater.
    - Thomas Kramar, Die Presse, 04.03.2024