한국 국기 South Korea 

Grave Relocation

Theatre Golmokil

극단 골목길 Theatre Golmokil  
  • Writer·Director PARK KUN-HYUNG
  • Date 10.26.Thu-10.27.FRI 7:30pm
    10.28.SAT 6pm
    10.29.SUN 3pm, 7pm
  • Tickets 30,000won
  • Accessibility Sign Language,
    Korean Subtitle
    English Subtitle
    10.29.SUN.3pm, 7pm
  • Genre Theater ●●●●●
  • Venue National Jeongdong Theater of Korea, Cecil
  • Duration 90min
  • Rating 13 and over
  • Premiere 2021. Art space Hyehwa


Groundwater rose and flooded dad's grave. People mourn the days of their fathers. Now we must move the grave to a new graveyard.


The work tells the story of the generations of our parents, grandmothers, and grandfathers who always stand by our side and support us. Although we live in the present, where the COVID-19 pandemic has made everything more difficult in our daily life, we would like to remember and look back on the lives and times of the previous generations who have lived through and endured the hardship of war and division. Based on the ensemble of esteemed actors such as Kang Ji-eun, Sung No-jin, and Kim Ju-wan, who have consistently shown excellent acting, they present a solid and moving performance on stage.


In the house where all the children moved out of, the mother lives alone. One day, her dead husband's brother comes to visit. He says groundwater rose and flooded her husband's grave. Within a few days, it must be moved to a new graveyard. It is very upsetting. Yet she collects herself, and thinks of the years she spent with her husband. She also thinks of the children who have left home. The memories are faint. The mind is still going strong, but the body doesn't work as well as the mind. It’s the day of moving the grave. All the children who had left came back home. Now all that’s left is to go to the grave. People mourn the father’s era. Birds are singing outside the house Now that everything is ready, the father must be moved to a new graveyard.

파브리세 라말린곰


Park Kunhyung
- Director, playwright
- Artistic Director, Theater Company Golmokil
- Full professor at the Directing Department, School of Drama, the Korea National University of Arts
Kunhyung's work brings the daily life of ordinary folk on to the stage as it is. He uses theatrical style and language, and his work is characterized by his unique expressiveness. As a director and playwright, his charm is that he casually shows us, the audience, that despair is waiting at the end of our gloomy days while reminding us that somewhere there is hope. All the Soldiers are Pathetic(2016), Manchuria Front(2014), Ain’t be Too Surprised(2009), Gyeong-suk and Gyeong-suk’s Father(2006), Praise for Youth(1999) 2016 All the Soldiers are Pathetic. Dong-A Theater Award’s Prizes for Play and Direction. International Association of Theatre Critics-Korea’s Best 3. Monthly K Theatre’s Best 7. 2014 Manchuria Front. Monthly K Theatre’s Best 7. 2009 Ain’t be Too Surprised. Dong-A Theater Award’s Prizes for Play and Direction. Korea Theatre Award’s Prize for Play.


Writer·Director | PARK KUN-HYUNG
Music Design | LEE JIN-UK

Theatre Golmokil

Theater Company Golmokil is worthy of being called one of the most renowned creative centers. It has won many major theater awards in Korea and received high praise from audiences and critics. The company produced a number of excellent actors such as Park Hae-il, Yoon Je-moon, kho Soo-hee, Eom Hyo-seop, Hwang Young-hee, and Lee Bongnyeon. Led by the esteemed playwright and director PARK KUNHYUNG, it continues to make creative theater works.

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  • The painful, difficult, and unreasonable stories that unfold around the father and family members are the material and thematic roots that have allowed Kunhyung's plays to sprout, grow thick, and bear abundant fruits over a long period of time. Therefore, 'family story' and its many variations have formed a large net for the abundant harvest of Kunhyung's plays.
    - Shim Jae-min, theater critic
  • As you watch the story unfold while laughing at the witty dialogue unique to Theater Company Golmokil, an unexpected development catches you off guard. The emotional roller coaster going up and down will take you all the way to the end of the story.
    - Within News, in 2021